Fear keeps us in place. Fear paralyzes and leaves you immobilized from the thoughts, hope, and growth that could bring you freedom.
” I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7
I stood behind my child as she was trying to get up her courage. She held tightly to a rope that hung from the tall Elm tree, knuckles turning white. She’d watched her brother take the leap off of the slide, holding onto the rope and then swing above the grass; now it was her turn.
I watched her as she just stood there. She wanted to jump. It looked fun, her brother tried it and was fine. She would giggle nervously then seem to go for it, and then change her mind. Again. Then she did it. She jumped off of the slide and swung above the grass. “Mama, I did it!” She giggled. Then climbed the slide for another turn.
Fear keeps us from so much. It can keep us safe sometimes. But more often it also keeps us from joy. Fear is irrational. Fear is life-taking and joy-stealing.
What is fear keeping you from?
Are you fearful to have hope? Do persistent questions plague your thoughts?
Fear is a tool used to keep a person a victim. But just like a little girl jumping off the slide, you can take a leap toward a new life. A safe life. The decision is yours, and yours alone.
I love the Bible verse that says in 2 Timothy 1:7, ” I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.”
Fear is not from God. Fear keeps us in place. Fear paralyzes and leaves you immobilized from the thoughts, hope and growth that could bring you freedom.