God may not keep you from the Lion’s Den, but He will bring you out of it.

I can easily think of the lions I have seen in my life, all at the Denver Zoo. There is safety viewing them while they’re in their enclosures, where they are viewed from a distance. But it is their containment that makes observing them feel the safest.
Then I remember Daniel, the man of God, who lived and worked in the King’s courts. It was through deceit that leads him to be thrown into the den of lions (Daniel 6). So into the den, he went. The next morning the King went to check on Daniel and asks, “Was your God able to rescue you?” (Daniel 6:20). God did rescue Daniel. Not by keeping him from being thrown into the den of lions, but by shutting the mouths of lions that surrounded him.
Being the wife in an abusive marriage can feel like you’re living in a lion’s den. And your husband may resemble a prowling lion. Though it’s probably not because of his majestic mane, but more for the way he tries to devour you.
I just want to encourage you through this. Keep praying! Keep seeking God. I do not know what the future holds for you. I do not know what your story will continue to be. But I do know that you have a say in what your future looks like. And though it won’t be easy, whatever you decide, I know you won’t be alone.
The Lord may not keep you from the lion’s den, but He will not leave you there alone. He may not keep you from the lion’s den, but He will not allow you to be devoured. He may not keep you from the lion’s den, but He will bring you out of it.