10 intentional ways to not let trauma rule your life and steal your joy.
Trauma is a confusing thing; parenting a child dealing with trauma can be tough to navigate. Often they don’t know how to express what they’re going through, and it can be hard to know what to do to help. Below you will find 10 things you can do to help your child through trauma. Even though circumstances with our children can leave you with feelings of powerlessness, there is actually a lot you can do that will help your child.
10 intentional ways to not let trauma rule your life and steal your joy.
Trauma is a confusing thing; parenting a child dealing with trauma can be tough to navigate. Often they don’t know how to express what they’re going through, and it can be hard to know what to do to help. Below you will find 10 things you can do to help your child through trauma. Even though circumstances with our children can leave you with feelings of powerlessness, there is actually a lot you can do that will help your child.
1. Get your Child into Therapy.
Trauma can be tough to navigate. A licensed therapist, that specializes in childhood trauma, is a wonderful key for healing. This will allow your child to work through their memories and feelings with someone who knows how to guide them and help them through their trauma. This can be so beneficial in your child’s development and can help lower the chances of issues down the road, all the while, helping navigate big feelings and memories.
2. Get yourself Help.
Getting help for yourself will help you process and deal with what your child has been through. This will also help you see things clearer and help you down the long road of healing ahead. Having someone to talk to can also help you blow off some steam.
3. Hug them often.
The security and comfort that come with a hug can ease anxiety and frustrations. Hugs help in a way that makes words unnecessary.
4. Foot rubs.
Never underestimate the healing power of touch. This one kind of goes with hugs. I thought it needed its own spot on the list though. Foot rubs can be so relaxing. Rubbing your child’s feet before bed can help them to feel relaxed and connected to you. Just a dab of your favorite oil or lotion and you’re ready to go. Some essential oils can actually help with feelings of anxiety. Touch and essential oils can be so helpful in getting a good night’s rest, for you too mama! Some people do not like essential oils or cannot use them. If this is you, then just skip them.
5. Validation.
A simple way to validate a child is by simply restating to them what they’re experiencing. You can say “you are really upset right now,” or “you really don’t like that.” It seems too easy to make much of a difference but it does help them to know they’re seen and understood.
6. Take it easy.
Clear your calendar. Maybe taking a break from seeing certain people, visiting certain places, or doing certain things will help you welcome rest and cultivate more peace at home. It’s ok to take it easy during this season. You have permission to not fold that basket of clothes and turn on a show and watch it together or go to bed early.
7. Be silly together.
Laughter is great medicine. Laughter can help you forget the desperation of your circumstances, and bring a sense of peace in a troubled situation.
8 . Make new memories together.
Take the time to intentionally do something fun. Maybe you can go for a walk, or watch a movie, snuggle up and read a book, bake, play a game or sing at the top of your lungs. Make new memories and allow yourself to not dwell on the painful ones, even if only for a moment.
9. Teach them.
Trauma brings out some unpleasant situations. In times of peace talk to your children. Be honest with them. It is ok for you to talk to your child. You don’t have to dance around the subject, they’re likely thinking of it too. Teach them that they’re worthy of being treated well. Teach them that they’re not to blame when someone hurts them.
10. Pray for them and trust the Lord.
How much do you love your child? Now think about how much God loves them. Can you imagine how much more he loves them? It’s so often we think of prayer as a last resort. We try so many things, and when we have run out of ideas, then we pray. Prayer can give you perspective and help you handle the situation better, but prayer can also provide breakthrough. God is so powerful.